The first diabetes self-management system with national deployment
MyWay Diabetes is the new patient-facing platform evolved from the Scottish national My Diabetes My Way platform. Since 2017, MyWay Digital Health has supported commissioning and deployment around the UK (North West London (Know Diabetes), Manchester (Diabetes My Way), Somerset, North East London) and internationally. MyWay Diabetes contains i) a public-facing localised website with over 200 education resources, ii) QISMET accredited structured e-learning courses for type 1 , type 2, gestational diabetes and diabetes prevention, iii) a health record (data) access patient portal.

What people with diabetes are saying about our platforms

“ It’s like the spider in the middle of the web, it’s the centre of everything. So all the data that matters as a person with diabetes, you can go there and see. ”
Person living with diabetes type 1

“ I have lost 1 stone and 9 pounds since end of April. . . My blood sugar level has gone down to a prediabetes level. Thanks! ”
Person living with diabetes type 2

“ I have had type 1 diabetes
for 49 years and wish there had been structured education such as this then… ”
Person living with diabetes type 1
MyWay Clinical
Integrated clinician and organisation management tool
A game changing clinician platform integrating data from across the health care provider organisation, and home recorded data to provide a complete diabetes electronic health record and analytics platform. Supports patient care through data-driven decision support, alerting, business intelligence, performance (KPI) reporting, risk prediction and
links with MyWay Diabetes to support remote patient communication and home data review.