IHE Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework

The following table is the IHE Integration Statement documenting the conformance of MWDH Records Access to IHE Exchange of Personal Health Record standards.

IHE Integration Statement Date September 2020
Vendor Product Name Version
MyWay Digital Health Limited Records Access V1.0
This product implements all transactions required in the IHE Technical Framework to support the IHE Integration Profiles, Actors and Options listed below:
Integration Profiles Implemented Actors Implemented Options Implemented
Exchange of Personal Health Record Content Consumer View option
Exchange of Personal Health Record Content Creator Create Update
Internet address for vendor’s IHE information: www.mwdh.co.uk/ihe
Links to Standards Conformance Statements for the Implementation
Links to general information on IHE
In North America: www.ihe.net In Europe: www.ihe-europe.org In Japan: www.ihe-j.org/